ISSN: 2583-1429 Peer- reviewed HPNLU JOURNAL OF Environment and Disaster Management, VOLUME IV: 2023 [Online]
ISSN: 2583-1429
Peer- reviewed
HPNLU JOURNAL OF Environment and Disaster Management, VOLUME IV: 2023
Hon’ble Justice Kuldeep Singh, Judge (Retd.), Supreme Court of India
Prof. (Dr.) Paramjit S. Jaswal, Vice-Chancellor, SRM University, Delhi-NCR, Sonepat, Haryana
Prof. (Dr.) S. Shanthakumar, Vice-Chancellor, GNLU, Gandhinagar
Prof. (Dr.) A.P. Singh, Vice-Chancellor, RMNLU, Lucknow
Prof. (Dr.) Jagbir Singh, Professor of Law, University of Delhi
Prof. (Dr.) S.S. Jaswal Registrar, HPNLU, Shimla
Prof. (Dr.) Chanchal K. Singh
Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor (Officiating), HPNLU
Dr. Chandereshwari Minhas
Associate Professor of Law, HPNLU Shimla
Dr. GirjeshShukla Professor of Law, HPNLU Shimla
Dr. Alok Kumar Associate Professor of Law, HPNLU Shimla Dr. Ambika Harish Assistant Professor of Law, HPNLU Shimla Dr. Aayush Raj Assistant Professor of Law, HPNLU Shimla
Ms. Renuka
Ph.D. Scholar
Mr. Sidhant Gupta
Mr. Abhijeet Pratap Shahi
B.A.LL.B.(7th Semester)
Ms.Aditi Dehal
Mr.Utkarsh Sankhala
Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla situated in the lap of the mid Himalayas offers the most serene and picturesque view as also the opportunity to feel and visualize what nature has to offer. The University has established Centre for Environment and Disaster Management with a view to inculcate novelty and innovation in environmental research by promoting inter-disciplinary approach.
Learning is an integral and indispensable part of life so long as one wishes to imbibe and incorporate new dimensions of what he perceives on a daily basis in the environment in which he inhabits. Human interaction with nature is innate for we owe our evolution to it. So is our ignorance to the ongoing environmental problems. Portrayal of problems at international platforms reflects the global concern.
As such having regard to the attending circumstances, it is in this backdrop that it has become necessary for the legal academia to foster a research regime which is solution oriented. It is high time for the research approach. Any attempt in this regard shall be facilitated by the educational institutions and other stakeholders.
The Journal of Environment and Disaster Management being the Maiden Journal of Centre for Environment and Disaster Management, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla stands committed, with a firm resolve, to offer the most dynamic and innovative solutions to environmental Jurisprudence thereby helping in developing sustainable strategies.
Research stands at a different pedestal altogether. There is no gainsaying that the ideas which were once
considered obsolete become relevant with the change in the perception. The Journal of Environment and
Disaster Management, thus, aims at pioneering such ideas which could help the regulatory authorities and policy makers to conceptualize new solutions to the socio-environmental problems.
Vice Chancellor(Officiating)
Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla
MODE OF CITATION: JEDM ,<pg. no.> (2023)
Published by Prof. (Dr.) S. S. Jaswal on behalf of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla and is an online journal of CEDM of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, 16 Mile, Shimla-Mandi National Highway, Ghandal, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh-171014. Editor of the journal is Dr. Chandreshwari Minhas.
Copyright © 2023, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla. All rights reserved. Published by Registrar, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla Owned By Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla 16 Mile, Shimla-Mandi National Highway, Ghandal, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh-171014. ISSN: 2583-1429 Online Law Journal Disclaimer
The views expressed in the HPNLU Journal of Environment and Disaster Management are those of the contributors. The Editors and the journal do not control nor necessarily subscribe or endorse the views expressed by respective contributors. The Editors and Journal disown all liability and responsibility for any error, misprint and infringement of any right of other by printing any contribution in the journal.