SECOND ALUMNI MEET on 29 March 2025 | Saturday | 1030 hrs. | Venue : HPNLU, Shimla ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ About the Alumni Association HPNLU Shimla(AAHS) Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla registered its Alumni Association as a Co-operative Society under the Himachal Pradesh Registered Societies Act, 2006vide Registration No. – HPCD-18570, by the name – Alumni Association HPNLU, Shimla. The objectives of the AAHS as per Rule 5 of the bye-laws of the Association are: (a) To provide a platform for interaction among the passed-out students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla; (b) To organize programmes at the State or national level for exchange of ideas among the passed-out students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla; (c) To arrange social functions/ seminars/ lectures/workshops/ personality development camp/ national integration camps etc. for exchange of ideas among the passed-out students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla; (d) To promote networking between the Alumni Association HPNLU Shimla and the University to help them contribute towards the affairs of the University; (e) To strengthen relationship between the Alumni Association HPNLU Shimla and the University staff (all-inclusive) for mutual support and benefit; (f) To provide financial support on needs-basis for any purpose permissible as per the rules of the Association; (g) To receive donations/ grants and acquire/ purchase any moveable or immovable property from any Government Agency, Semi-Government Agency, Private Agency, or individuals in the name of the association for furtherance of its objectives; (h) To carry out all activities on welfare basis without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion, or otherwise; (i) To encourage the exchange of ideas and techniques between different stakeholders associated with the alumni; (j) To publish documents associated with the furthering of the work of the Association; (k) To organize or participate in course of study, research, and seminars; (l) Any other activity subservient to the aims and objectives of the association. The details of the Membership of the AAHS is delineated below: Sr. No. Name Designation 1. Sahil Malhotra President 2. Shubham Mahajan Vice-President 3. Arshiya Secretary 4. Anuranjan Upadhyay Treasurer 5. Ankita Executive Member You can join the Alumni Association by clicking on the Consent Form. "All Alumni of the University are invited and requested to update their current professional details by filling the form available here." For any queries by the students, please contact:Alumni Committee, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla-Mandi Highway, Sixteen Miles, Ghandal – 171014 Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Email –
29 March 2025 | Saturday | 1030 hrs. |
Venue : HPNLU, Shimla
About the Alumni Association HPNLU Shimla(AAHS)
Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla registered its Alumni Association as a Co-operative Society under the Himachal Pradesh Registered Societies Act, 2006vide Registration No. – HPCD-18570, by the name – Alumni Association HPNLU, Shimla.
The objectives of the AAHS as per Rule 5 of the bye-laws of the Association are:
(a) To provide a platform for interaction among the passed-out students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla;
(b) To organize programmes at the State or national level for exchange of ideas among the passed-out students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla;
(c) To arrange social functions/ seminars/ lectures/workshops/ personality development camp/ national integration camps etc. for exchange of ideas among the passed-out students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla;
(d) To promote networking between the Alumni Association HPNLU Shimla and the University to help them contribute towards the affairs of the University;
(e) To strengthen relationship between the Alumni Association HPNLU Shimla and the University staff (all-inclusive) for mutual support and benefit;
(f) To provide financial support on needs-basis for any purpose permissible as per the rules of the Association;
(g) To receive donations/ grants and acquire/ purchase any moveable or immovable property from any Government Agency, Semi-Government Agency, Private Agency, or individuals in the name of the association for furtherance of its objectives;
(h) To carry out all activities on welfare basis without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion, or otherwise;
(i) To encourage the exchange of ideas and techniques between different stakeholders associated with the alumni;
(j) To publish documents associated with the furthering of the work of the Association;
(k) To organize or participate in course of study, research, and seminars;
(l) Any other activity subservient to the aims and objectives of the association.
The details of the Membership of the AAHS is delineated below:
Sr. No.
Sahil Malhotra
Shubham Mahajan
Anuranjan Upadhyay
Executive Member
You can join the Alumni Association by clicking on the Consent Form.
"All Alumni of the University are invited and requested to update their current professional details by filling the form available here."
For any queries by the students, please contact: