Alumni Association HPNLU Shimla

About the Alumni Association HPNLU Shimla(AAHS)

Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla registered its Alumni Association as a Co-operative Society under the Himachal Pradesh Registered Societies Act, 2006vide Registration No. – HPCD-18570, by the name – Alumni Association HPNLU, Shimla.

The objectives of the AAHS as per Rule 5 of the bye-laws of the Association are:

(a)         To provide a platform for interaction among the passed-out students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla;

(b)         To organize programmes at the State or national level for exchange of ideas among the passed-out students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla;

(c)         To arrange social functions/ seminars/ lectures/workshops/ personality development camp/ national integration camps etc. for exchange of ideas among the passed-out students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla;

(d)         To promote networking between the Alumni Association HPNLU Shimla and the University to help them contribute towards the affairs of the University;

(e)         To strengthen relationship between the Alumni Association HPNLU Shimla and the University staff (all-inclusive) for mutual support and benefit;

(f)          To provide financial support on needs-basis for any purpose permissible as per the rules of the Association;

(g)         To receive donations/ grants and acquire/ purchase any moveable or immovable property from any Government Agency, Semi-Government Agency, Private Agency, or individuals in the name of the association for furtherance of its objectives;

(h)         To carry out all activities on welfare basis without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion, or otherwise;

(i)          To encourage the exchange of ideas and techniques between different stakeholders associated with the alumni;

(j)          To publish documents associated with the furthering of the work of the Association;

(k)         To organize or participate in course of study, research, and seminars;

(l)          Any other activity subservient to the aims and objectives of the association.


The details of the Membership of the AAHS is delineated below:

Sr. No.




Sahil Malhotra



Shubham Mahajan






Anuranjan Upadhyay




Executive Member



You can join the Alumni Association by clicking on the Consent Form.

For any queries by the students, please contact:

Alumni Committee,
Himachal Pradesh National Law University,
Shimla-Mandi Highway, Sixteen Miles, Ghandal – 171014
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Email –


Registration Certificate Uploaded on : 10-Sep-2024
Byelaws of Alumni Association Uploaded on : 10-Sep-2024